Welcome to CloudNative.Now

A digital painting of some wispy blue clouds in a blue sky with a golden glow in the center

Welcome to CloudNative.Now, a monthly roundup newsletter of all things happening in the Cloud Native world, lovingly collated by Marcus Noble.

This newsletter is my attempt at keeping myself, and others, up-to-date on all the latest news, tools and events happening in the cloud native world. A new issue will be published each month on the last Friday of that month and contain a roundup of articles, announcements, tools, tutorials, events and CFPs relating to cloud native technologies and the community.

Things will be up and running here shortly, but in the mean time you can subscribe to the email newsletter or add the RSS feed to your favourite feed reader to make sure you don’t miss anything! And please help to spread the word and recommend this to your friends and network if you find the content useful! 💙

Also be sure to follow us on Bluesky or Mastodon for more updates throughout the month!